Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello. I am trying to find information on changing a starter and battery in a 1993 Ford explorer.....?


I am looking to buy a 1993 Ford Explorer from a private seller. He says the battery and starter need to be changed. I would like to try and change it myself. Is this car going to be drivable without changing it? Or will I have to get it towed to my house?

Can anyone walk me through the steps of repairing or give a website where I can find this information?

Also, if you know a mechanic in the New Orleans, La area who won't charge me an arm and a leg, I would greatly appreciate it. As you probable can tell, I don't know much about cars..:) Thank you.
Hello. I am trying to find information on changing a starter and battery in a 1993 Ford explorer.....?
Battery is nothing. Loosen a couple of screws. Take it out. Go down to walmart and give it to them (else you have to pay $10 extra) and buy a new battery for your make/model/year of vehicle. Pop it in and your good to go. Costs about $100.

The starter on the other hand. That is a big deal to replace and the parts are expensive to boot. There is simply no way you can do that yourself unless you have some major knowledge about cars. It will cost you about $250 for the parts alone. As much as $400 plus tow (cuz that car ain't moving unless the starter is at least minimally functional).

Factor that in when you decide the price to pay. Unless you are getting a major deal, it's simply not worth the hassle....especially with a baby coming soon (congrats by the way).
Hello. I am trying to find information on changing a starter and battery in a 1993 Ford explorer.....?
Be careful of a car that %26quot;needs%26quot; this or that to run. If it was that easy, why didn't they fix it and charge $600.00 more for the exploder? It sounds odd to me, I'd see if the engine will even turn over by hand, or is it locked up? I'd move onto the next used car or truck if I was you! Good luck!
got to the have online repair manuals specific to that vehicle - the car will not start if the starter is out unless it is a manual then you can pop start it
if you dont know if it runs dont buy it
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER buy a car under these conditions! It is likely that there is more wrong with the car. This is one of the oldest scams concerning used cars that exist. If the motor is shot and is going to take a lot of money to get it fixed, the owner finds someone that is willing to take a discount on the price and buy it %26quot;as is%26quot; because the starter or battery is supposed to be bad. %26quot;as is%26quot; means you will have to pay for all repairs, the original owner is no longer responsible for anything.

Replacing the starter and battery are both very simple jobs. Should take less than two hours even for an amateur. Ask yourself why the owner is not willing to do it and then charge a lot more for the car!
Ok here we go......

First things first open the support the hood with the prop rod.

Now locate the battery it's usually on the driver side of truck in the front.

Take a wrench should be a 10 or a 12mm loosen the positive( red wire ) end be careful not to touch the wrench to both ends.

Take the wrench and loosen and set aside the negative ( black wire)

Now look around the battery you should see a hold down securing the battery you will need a 12 or 13 mm socket and extension to access this bolt remove the bolt and the piece.

Now remove the battery and set aside.

The starter is located underneath the engine so you will need to get under the truck its located on the Passenger side usually you will see a red wire similar to the one on the battery.

There are two bolts that hold the starter in place loosen and remove the two bolts look at the new part for Reference.

You may have to remove the inspection or known as the dust cover shield that's two bolts.

Now once you have removed all bolts wiggle the starter you may need to gently pry with a screw driver the starter will slide out and now disconnect the cables you will need a small screw drive and a 10 mm wrench.

So now you are ready to install the new starter reattach the red wire and connections to the new part then slide in to place.

Reinstall the two bolts and reinstall the cover if removed then tighten the starter in place.

Once that is done move back up top to reinstall the battery

Place the battery in the tray and secure it using the hold down and bolt you removed.

Now install the negative cable end and tighten and the the positive cable and tighten now you are done

I hope this helps.