I have a 1985 toyota corrolla the starter was new when I got the car 1 yr ago. It will start most of the time but there are times where it will not turn over.
What will cause my car to not start consistently and I have changed my starter?
My Husband is a Mechanic and said it could be a bad connection at the battery or the starter or it could be a bad battery or a bad electrical ignition switch or even a bad starter.....You can try this method.....while someone is tapping on the starter someone else try to start the car at the same time and see if that will help. If this doesn't work for you then it's probably going to be a bad connection. Good Luck.
What will cause my car to not start consistently and I have changed my starter?
Bad fuel injecter maybe.
Have you got a remote car starter?That could be the main problem,either fix for about $700.00,or have disconnected for $140.00.It could be the ignition or switch,check battery %26amp; battery conections,the points,distributer cap may have a minor crack,or the carburater may be flooding,or blockage in fuel line.Have one of those house call guy's come over,the ones that tell you weather a car is worth buying,get someone you know to play the perspective buyer.Costs around 60/70 dollars.
It's a1985, so the 'new' starter is a replacement. On a car that old I'd guarantee it was an after market re-built one to save money. I'm guessing about $100 vs $400 from Toyota.
In the 21 years with my Toyota truck (still my daily driver), I found anything rebuilt (alternator, starter, power steering pumps...) is crap. They have been bad right out the box, gone bad in one year, and if it last 5 years, then count your blessings.
They are all crap, from all auto parts stores, so pay the $15 extra bucks and get the lifetime warranty one. It's exactly the same as the non-life time warranty one, but the $15 pays the stores insurance to offset the loss when it goes bad and exchanged for a new one.
I'm guessing the starter is bad if the engine won't turn over and all you hear is a clicking sound, or no sound, when you turn the ignition key on.