Yesterday, my '95 Transport Van (3.8) failed to start. In the past few days I noticed that when starting the engine after driving it a few miles, that it seemed to start with a small drag. But, always when first started or started after a prolonged period, it would start normally with no signs of a problem. But, now it will not do anything when turning the key. The battery is charged and all the lights and power sources seem to be at normal operating levels. I did tap or lightly bang on the starter, while my wife turned the key, a couple of times it did make the, somewhat clanking or clicking sound, but no signs of attempting a cranking sound. Is there any fuse, wire or part, besides changing the starter, that might be the problem here? Or should I just go ahead and buy a starter and have it put on? Also, is this a simple job, worth doing myself, or should I just fork out the cost of a repair shop? Thanks for any help.
Starter problems on 1995 Pontiac Transport?
poss. bendix...or celenoid...another prob, the fly wheel could be ground down too far and not catching, if the bendix is too big it will grind the fly wheel,the wires could be corrodid from the battery to the starter, just like bat. cables do, and cause a simular prob.not enough voltage to the starter... or the starter could just be %26quot;junk%26quot; check your wires, check the starter and the fly wheel, then a starter. if you buy a new starter and the wires are bad, you will have the same prob, and if the fly wheel is bad, same prob. but if it's just a bendix, or cable,