take it to the shop if you seriously can't figure out how to jack up a car. And don't reproduce
How do i jack up a 89 ford aerostar i gotta change starter?
If you have to ask such a question, I am sure you should not attempt the repair. If you proceed, count your fingers when the job is finished. Good luck!
How do i jack up a 89 ford aerostar i gotta change starter?
use a floor jack or the jack that came with the vehicle, BUT, make sure you use jack stands or some kind of safe blocking so it won't fall on you,squish!!!!
Usually the strongest point to jack a car via its body is between the front tire and the front doors. If you look unter you will see a place where the body joints meet with the frame.
You can put the jack there to lift it, one side at a time. Put something under the rear tire to keep the car from moving backwards. Use locking jackstands near the same spot at where you lifted with the jack to hold up the car.
Also put the car in gear and apply the E-brake. Once both sides are up and the jackstands are in place, you can remove the starter.
Be careful! A car can slip off a jack or the stands and cruch whatevers is underneath. if you are not sure, get a pro to help.
Here is a link that will help...
Ummmm.... with a jack?
Dont jack it up. Use ramps.
Very carefully
Get a cheap set of car ramps or build some thing out of wood or roll it to a ditch. If its up on a jack and it slips your dead.(maybe just maimed) But if you got to ask then your new at this game.