Thursday, September 15, 2011

96 Dodge neon wont start. lights work, engine sounds like soft machinegun fire.changed starter,bttry,help?

I changed my fuel pump last year, the starter was changed three weeks ago. The essence of the problem is that my engine wont turn over. When I turn the key I get a sound that resembles soft machine gun fire. I have checked my battery. The battery is good. The lights come on , the radio works, I am at wits end. IF anyone has any suggestions please reply.
96 Dodge neon wont start. lights work, engine sounds like soft machinegun fire.changed starter,bttry,help?
You have a bad ground to the car from the battery. listen to king_davis13 he is correct.

everybody that said it is a starter need to learn how to read. He already stated that the starter was changed out three weeks ago. duh!!!
96 Dodge neon wont start. lights work, engine sounds like soft machinegun fire.changed starter,bttry,help?
sounds like the starter
Its gotta be a defective starter. Cant be battery cables, you say you have juice.

Try a new one, see if that works.

After that look into an ignition switch.
sounds like you blew a piston
Still sounds like a weak battery. Try again with a known good battery or jump from a running vehicle. It takes far more power to turn over an engine than it does to turn on the lights.

Also if your car has a separate starter relay, check the relay.
The starter is probably a lemon.. take it back to where it was changed and have them check it again. Good luck.
sell your dodge. buy a toyota.
you should check to see that the battery terminal is making a good connection and is not corroded. you can buy battery terminal cleaners and replacement battery terminals at walmart
Sounds like wiring, possibly your solenoid, I know they make that kind of a sound on a ford, when they are screwy so that would probably be the way to go. You may also have a worn flywheel. try turning the motor over by hand (with the ignition off) part way with the crankshaft pulley, and see if that makes any difference. Your starter might be grinding on worn teeth on your flywheel.
Sometimes the problem is not with the starter itself, but the starter solenoid. If the connection from the battery to the starter solenoid is weak or loose, all you get when you turn the ignition key is a series of quick taps and no fire. The starter is not engaging the flywheel, so your car won't start.

Not all starters have solenoids, but older cars almost always have them. It's essentially a battery pack sitting on top of the starter section with the bendix that connects to the flywheel. With a bad starter solenoid, everything else electrical should still work. You may have a short leading from the battery to the starter or a bad wire altogether. A mechanic should be able to test out your electrical system with a voltmeter and listen to the machinegun noise for clues.
if your engine turn over,inspect the timing belt for damage.if your engine does not turn,either your starter is defective or the engine piston is hitting the valve due to a broken timing belt
dead battery. maybe the mechanic cheated you in to thinking he replaced it.
You most likely have a bad ground from the motor to the body. To see if it is , Simply take a set of jumper cables and hook one end up to the motor where it will make good contact and hook the other end up to the body where it will make good contact. Now just hit the key and see if it starts. If it does you need a new ground strap, if it does not start I would say it is your starter. Either it is just defective or it needs shimmed. If it needed shimmed though I would expect you to say that there is a loud grinding going on. Hope I have been helpful.
the %26quot;machine gun fire%26quot; is natural for the car generaly it the battery is dead. your lights and radio ect can still come on if the battery has juice, but it may not have enough power to crank the engine. if you take it to an auto parts store they load test it (check to see how much power it makes when under a load). if nothing else you could get a %26quot;breaker bar%26quot; and try to manually turn the engine over to make sure its not seized or anything. be careful that your not unscrewing the bolt that holds the harmonic balancer pully when you do so. iits highly unlikely unless you really beat on your car before you shut it off. if the battery works ok then you must have a bad relay. you can check it yourself if your good with a multimeter or have a friend that is. you'll need a manual to find out how to check it. You can just replaice it if you want to. it not likely to be a bad ground because it wouldn't work at all then but it is possible. But yeah, recheck that battery. good luck
Bad starter, neons and stratus' are bad about that. so you need to get a new starter and it will work, promise
You say the battery is good, but did you actually check it a multimeter? There's enough juice to turn on the lights and radio, but is there enough to turn over the car? My Cuda needs 11.93 volts at the very least to turn over. My guess is the battery is just not charged enough.

Check the starter relay. That could also be the culprit. It is possible that you got a bad part from the dealership, but it's unlikely.
i have a 97 neon and that happened to me check your alternator and alternator belt
does the %26quot;machine gun fire%26quot; sound like clicking from under the hood? or gears grinding from under the car? if it's clicking under the hood you have a dead battery or bad connection. if it's under the car your starter is obviously good since it's spinning but the gear is not meshing with the teeth on the flywheel. you need a STARTER SHIM but before you do that remove the starter and inspect the teeth on the starter gear to make sure you did not wear them down while trying to start the car.
sell it
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